A homeownerโs association (HOA) annual meeting is an important gathering for making decisions that affect the community. A quorum must be present to ensure that the meeting is valid and that decisions can be made. A quorum is the minimum number of homeowners required to be present at the meeting to make it official, as dictated by the associationโs governing documents.
Here are some ways an HOA can ensure a quorum at an annual meeting:
Encourage Attendance: The HOA can encourage homeowners to attend the annual meeting by sending reminders via your website, email, mail, or text message. Simple signage in your communityโs entrances and common areas can also help. They can also provide incentives for attending, such as offering door prizes or free refreshments.
Adequate Notice: Providing adequate notice of the meeting date, time, and location is essential. The HOA should follow its own bylaws, as well as state and local laws, for the notice required for the annual meeting.
Proxy Voting: Allowing proxy voting, where a homeowner can assign their voting rights to another homeowner, is an effective way to ensure a quorum. This allows homeowners unable to attend the meeting to still have their voices heard.
Early Start Time: Scheduling the annual meeting at an early time can help increase attendance. Homeowners who have work or other commitments later in the day are more likely to attend if the meeting is held earlier.
Online Meetings: With the advent of technology, itโs now possible to hold virtual annual meetings online. This allows homeowners who are unable to attend in person to participate remotely.
Online Voting: If your documents and state statutes allow members to vote via online methods, platforms such as the TownSq Digital Voting Feature can boost participation, cut down on costs, and provide faster results of member votes.
Ensuring quorum at an HOA annual meeting is essential for the community to make important decisions. By following these tips, HOAs can help ensure that the necessary number of homeowners attend the meeting and that decisions can be made effectively.