Keys to an Effective HOA Board Meeting

The residents of a Homeowner’s Association (HOA) rely on the board of directors to ensure that the community runs smoothly. As such, it is important for the board members to run effective meetings in order to make decisions and address issues quickly and efficiently. 

Unfortunately, running an effective meeting isn’t as easy as creating an agenda and taking minutes. Here are some tips for making sure your HOA board meetings are productive and successful and how a team like Goodwin & Company can help you iron out the details of each meeting. 

Preparation is Key 

Starting with an agenda is one of the most important things that a board can do prior to its meeting. An organized and planned agenda ensures that all members have access to the information to be discussed and any relevant documents or information pertaining to the topics at hand. 

Time wasted is time you can’t lose. Therefore, preparing an agenda and sending it out in advance to all board members will allow them to come prepared with questions and comments, which saves time during the meeting.

Suppose your board isn’t experienced with creating detailed meeting agendas. In that case, your HOA management team should have the experience and industry knowledge to help get your board members on the same organizational page.

Decide On Rules 

When a board meeting doesn’t have rules and etiquette in place, it’s easy for a standard meeting to quickly get out of hand. Having rules in place for how board members should conduct themselves during their meetings can help make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to speak their minds without fear of criticism or judgment from other members. 

These meeting protocols also set clear expectations for how long people have to speak before passing off discussion points. 

Stay Organized 

Organization throughout the meeting is also essential. An effective board meeting requires all participants to stay organized throughout their discussion period so that they can get through as much material as possible in a timely manner. 

One way this can be accomplished is by having each member take notes on what’s been discussed so far, what needs further clarification or discussion, and what has been decided upon already. 

This ensures that everyone is up-to-speed with what’s happening and helps keep conversations focused on completing tasks instead of rehashing unrelated topics. 

Sticking to Business Matters 

Speaking of related topics, it’s important that everyone attending the meeting remains focused on business matters at hand. Stick to topics related directly to running your HOA such as financial matters, policy changes, updated procedures or regulations.

It is generally discouraged to bring up personal matters during HOA board meetings unless they directly relate back to running your association efficiently and effectively. 

Manage Your Board Meetings Effectively With Goodwin & Company

A great HOA is only as good as the effectiveness of its board meetings. However, not every board is built with ready-made leaders and running an HOA can come with quite the learning curve. 

Fortunately, a team like Goodwin & Company can offer HOA management services that can help board members focus on improving their communities without the behind-the-scenes stress. From helping organize board meetings to collecting unpaid HOA dues, our team of property managers can help you make your association the gem of the community.

Contact us today to learn more about our services.